Since 2014, the armed conflict in Ukraine’s eastern provinces (oblasts) of Donetsk and Luhansk has dealt a heavy blow to people’s lives. The conflict has magnified the long-standing problems and created...
Since 2014, the armed conflict in Ukraine’s eastern provinces (oblasts) of Donetsk and Luhansk has dealt a heavy blow to people’s lives. The conflict has magnified the long-standing problems and created...
Since 2014, the armed conflict in Ukraine’s eastern provinces (oblasts) of Donetsk and Luhansk has dealt a heavy blow to people’s lives. The conflict has magnified the long-standing problems and created...
This fourth report on Western Balkan labor market trends presents a descriptive analysis of key labor market indicators for the six Western Balkan countries and selected European Union (EU) countries between...
Serbia is struggling with improving labor market outcomes for its population. Fewer than half of all adults are employed, women and youth are particularly excluded from labor markets and the productivity...
The objective of this report is to fill the observed knowledge gaps on skills supply in Moldova by providing the first findings from the Moldova Skills Measurement Survey (MSMS). The rest of the report...
Moldova has made significant progress in economic growth and poverty reduction since 2000, but the growth model has mainly relied on remittances, with limited job creation (World Bank, 2016a; Merroto et...
The objective of this report is to address the knowledge gaps for the first and second priority challenges and thereby contribute to the evidence-based policymaking on the labor supply and gender equality...
The ‘Skills Towards Employment and Productivity Employer Survey’ (or STEP Employer Survey) provides new and important insights into measuring the transversal skill sets valued by employers. The STEP Employer...
This note provides a brief, updated analysis of jobs dynamics in Albania, providing insights into where constraints to improving jobs outcomes remain and opportunities for addressing such challenges. Results-based...
Good jobs are in short supply in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Sustainable, better employment opportunities must come from higher labor demand from a dynamic and internationally competitive...
This report presents new insights on the availability and demand for skills, drawing on two innovative surveys: a household level survey to measure the supply of skills in the adult population, and an...
Ukraine’s economic progress has been uneven since the start of the transition in 1991. Productivity is low partly because of the slow pace of market-oriented reforms and the misallocation of the labor...
Ukraine’s economic progress has been uneven since the start of the transition in 1991. Productivity is low partly because of the slow pace of market-oriented reforms and the misallocation of the labor...
Over the past 20 years Ukraine experienced fundamental structural changes due to transition to a market economy and integration with the world. Transition reforms accompanied by the collapse of traditional...