The latest issue of Handshake, focused on public-private partnerships in the power sector, brings diverse expert voices together to discuss how to increase access to energy in developing countries. Features...
This issue includes the following headings: donors: aid versus trade; investment: seeking strong partners; power: hydro heats up; water: sanitation solutions; and first person: African Development Bank...
This paper includes the following headings: education public, private, and partnerships, or PPPs come of age; vouching for the future; mobile learning dials up success; U.S. Secretary of Education by Arne...
This issue includes the following headings: infrastructure - A new direction for New Zealand schools, Primary schools, primary importance, Sustainable school buildings, and PPPs build the future; services...
This issue includes the following headings: road: Brazil's competitive drive; rail: speeding toward tomorrow; logistics: MIT expert on why logistics clusters matter; and interview: UPS's sustainable strategies.
Air and sea transport power the global economy. Since the vast majority of trade is physical, it must travel by plane or ship to reach its market. In fact, high value, time-sensitive goods usually fly...