Sri Lanka's external performance defies global trends on two counts. First, the level of openness as measured by the ratio of trade in goods and services, after a strong increase in 1987-95 and stagnation...
Local populations' economic opportunities can be enhanced through special arrangements governing movement of people and goods in neighboring areas. For instance, in the Tajikistan-Uzbekistan border-crossing...
Bosnia and Herzegovina's industrial restructuring, as seen through the lenses of foreign trade performance and its sustainability, has taken off. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s exports have displayed strong...
Israeli security measures, which were increased in response to the Intifada in 2000, have imposed a major cost on the economy of the West Bank and Gaza, and are heavily undercutting its current and future...
EMU Enlargement: why flexibility matters, by Philipp Maier and Maarten Hendrikx. Gains from risk sharing in the EU, by Yuliya Demyanyk and Vadym Volosovych. Postponing Euro area expectations? by Tanel...
EMU Enlargement: why flexibility matters, by Philipp Maier and Maarten Hendrikx. Gains from risk sharing in the EU, by Yuliya Demyanyk and Vadym Volosovych. Postponing Euro area expectations? by Tanel...
This is an empirical paper seeking to identify the mode of Turkey's integration into global markets in general, and pan-European markets in particular, as revealed in its trade performance. The analysis...
This paper looks at Bulgaria's industrial restructuring through the lenses of its evolving specialization in international division of labor and integration into international markets with a special emphasis...
This paper analyzes the process of institutional transformation in Bulgaria and assesses the extent to which it has established institutions and policies fostering domestic economic activity and integration...
尽管罗马尼亚的结构改革业绩平平,外国直接投资(FDI)流入也相对较少,但该国的出口在经历了四年的疲弱增长之后,自2000年以来在欧盟和非欧盟市场展示了惊人的良好业绩。虽然可以轻而易举地说明1992–95年间第一阶段的增长是废除了国家的外贸垄断并开放了其它政策领域之后贸易转向欧盟的结果,但第二阶段的出口增长则提出了有关其动力和可持续性的问题。 在考察了罗马尼亚的整体外贸业绩、专业化产生模式、在欧盟朝阳市场中的竞争力、与欧盟贸易的要素密集度变化、以及“内部产品”贸易之后,Kaminski和Ng的结论是,罗马尼亚的出口已经实现了多元化,反映了产业结构调整方面的巨大进步。FDI的流入推动了结构调整,尽管它们似乎少得不足以产生这种重大影响。罗马尼亚的企业日益成为国际生产网络和传统全球价值链的一个组成部分。这种业绩的可持续性取决于保持宏观经济稳定并继续使工资增长与生产率增长相一致,以及通过改善商业环境和推动贸易便利化,提高罗马尼亚吸引FDI流入的能力。
Despite significant progress towards establishing institutional foundations of a market-based economy made over the last year in Iraq, the transition is far from complete. The challenge remains huge: It...
The main objective of the book is to analyze Slovenia's threefold transition in the context of a broader transition process in Central and Eastern Europe and to contribute toward filling the obvious gap...
欧盟在1999年科索沃战争之后发起的稳定与联合进程,为东南欧五国(SEE-5)建立了一个新的政策环境。为了换取欧盟援助、争取加入欧盟和继续享受进入欧盟市场的优惠条件,SEE-5各国的政府不得不将其制度和管理标准提高到欧盟的水平,并参与共同性地区合作,包括成为“稳定公约”的成员国。 Kaminski和de la Rocha从两个方面考查了SEE-5各国从贸易开放中得到的收益,并 提出在哪些条件下可以使这些收益最大化。他们认为,地区性贸易开放过程应该扩大到多边开放,使SEE-5各国工业品的最惠国关税与欧盟的最惠国关税一致,并把优先重点放在旨在促进贸易便利化的结构调整和地区合作上。由于SEE-5各国之间的贸易主要是产业间而不是产业内贸易,SEE-5各国之间的贸易发展潜力有限,至少在目前的生产结构和运输基础设施所限定的条件下是如此。因此,如果不同时改善基础设施、贸易便利条件、商业和投资环境,并通过多边开放增加最惠国进口相对于外部优惠供应商的竞争能力,SEE-5各国的自由贸易协定是不可能为经济增长作出贡献的。
经历了长期孤立之后已经开始开放贸易和投资的转轨经济,如果能融入跨国公司的生产和销售安排体系,就可以获得多方面的收益。生产的分散化为发展中国家的生产者提供了宝贵的机遇,使它们能够从为较小的当地市场服务转变成为国外的大企业供货,并间接地为后者分布在世界各地的客户服务。 直到20世纪结束时,“第二次全球化”中的贸易与GDP的比例才赶上第一次全球化中的相应比例。第一次全球化出现于19世纪末并被第一次世界大战所中断。技术进步提高了国际分工的重要性,并提高了全球性生产和分配网络的重要性。跨国公司一直是这一进展的推动力量。作为转轨经济,波兰是一个很有意思的研究案例。因为可以通过它在长期孤立之后突然向外国投资开放的做法,更加清晰地研究其融入全球网络的过程。...
生产过程中前所未有的全球化(不断分割着价值链)带来了贸易的一体化和生产的分散化,并对国际劳动分工发生了深远影响。中欧经济能否根据国际市场调整其生产结构?有三个中欧经济(爱沙尼亚、匈牙利和斯洛伐克)在这方面做得特别出色。 由贸易自由化和技术进步推动的发展表明,建立在国家干预和贸易保护基础上的老一套发展战略已经不起作用了。全球竞争日益强调产品标准、快速革新、适应性和迅速反应。技术使生产的分散化成为可能。...
The collapse of central planning set in motion the reintegration of the Central European countries into the world economy. The European Union (EU), because of its proximity, economic weight, and policy-induced...
The penetration of the Hungarian economy by foreign economies is enormous. This paper addresses these questions: What explains an improvement in overall profitability of manufacturing activity beginning...
尽管有强烈的保护主义思想,被邀请进行加入欧洲联盟谈判(欧盟EU)的中欧国家的贸易体制却保持开放。地区纪律 (欧盟要素), 与关税与贸易总协定(GATT)以往承诺下的低关税率,似乎抵消了国内保护主义的呼声。 Kaminski 探讨被邀请进行加入欧洲联盟(欧盟)谈判的中欧国家的外贸制度和政策发展状况。 国家贸易的解体,市场准入条件大幅度放松。但是,除爱沙尼亚和捷克共和国(程度较地低)以外, 大多数中欧国家遵循了双边而不是多边贸易自由化政策。...
The challenge of a pre-accession strategy is to identify policy measures that would improve allocative efficiency, reduce adjustment cost and strengthen Poland's growth potential within the framework of...