This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study; entitled Does management matter? Evidence from India, conducted the first round of the intervention started in September 2008, the...
In times of highly volatile commodity markets, governments often try to protect their populations from rapidly-rising food prices, which can be particularly harsh for the poor. A potential solution for...
A long-standing question in social science is to what extent differences in management cause differences in firm performance. To investigate this, the authors ran a management field experiment on large...
This report evaluates International Development Association (IDA) support to Nepal during 2003-2008. IDA’s overarching goal during this period was to support the Government’s efforts to reduce poverty...
This paper is a survey of the practice of results-oriented - or performance-based - public expenditure management in low income developing countries. It is based on seven country case study working papers...
This is the eighth World Development Report. It focuses on the contribution that international capital makes to economic development. While the report pays close attention to the events of the recent past...
This is the eighth World Development Report. It focuses on the contribution that international capital makes to economic development. While the report pays close attention to the events of the recent past...
This is the eighth World Development Report. It focuses on the contribution that international capital makes to economic development. While the report pays close attention to the events of the recent past...