Growth in Bhutan is estimated to have remained subdued in 2018-19 as hydropower production declined further. Inflation decelerated to its lowest level in 2018-19 since 2003, reflecting a rapid decline...
Despite its small population and land area, Bhutan is among the most rapidly urbanizing countries in South Asia. While this urbanization parallels robust economic growth and the expansion of job and investment...
Bhutan has a strong track record of reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity, primarilysupported by the state, which has played a large role in the country's development accomplishments.Growth has...
Economic performance remains strong. Accelerating reform momentum after the 2018 general elections will be key to consolidating and furthering Bhutan’s development. Efforts aimed at enabling a vibrant...
Bhutan maintained solid growth and macroeconomic stability in the first half of 2017. However, delays in hydropower construction cloud macroeconomic prospects in the coming years. Given the size and importance...
Rwanda’s growth rates during the past few years exceeded the growth rates of developing countries, except for in 2013 when Rwanda’s growth decelerated to 4.7 percent. Among the 181 economies where 2014...
Rwanda’s growth rates during the past few years exceeded the growth rates of developing countries, except for in 2013 when Rwanda’s growth decelerated to 4.7 percent. Among the 181 economies where 2014...
The country policy and institutional assessment (CPIA) assesses the quality of a country’s present policy and institutional framework. The CPIA ratings are used as part of the country performance rating...
Fast growth in Rwanda since the turn of the century has been accompanied by solid poverty reduction. Between 2000 and 2013, gross domestic product (GDP) grew at eight percent per year, resulting in a 170...
The main purpose of this note is to share the knowledge and experience within the World Bank and to the community of stakeholders on the Public Sector Governance Program, the first Program for Results...
Fragile and conflict-affected states face daunting challenges for development. Aid has a greater importance on development in these states than in others, and therefore aid effectiveness –management and...
Afghanistan's recent economic growth has been impressive. Macroeconomic performance also seems satisfactory. However, GDP per capita is very low. Poverty remains widespread. Afghanistan's social development...
The role of public expenditure significantly increased in the past several years as core national budget expenditures rose from 9 percent of GDP in 2002/03 to 20 percent in 2009/10. The domestic revenue-to-GDP...
Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP) are major actors in the security sector. The security sector in Afghanistan consists of defense, internal security, intelligence, policy/coordination...
In regard to Indonesia's economic and social situation, economic indicators are signaling a strong pickup in economic growth at the end of 2006 and into 2007. This paper includes the following headings:...
Studies use different conceptual and operational definitions of crises. The different crisis identifications can lead to inconsistent conclusions and policy formulation even if the same analytical framework...
Continued macroeconomic stability and a stronger international economy are supporting renewed growth in Indonesia, and are contributing to a reduction in poverty. The Government's Economic Policy Package...
Amid slowing world trade and regional growth, the Megawati administration has inherited a fragile economy. Financial markets gave the new team a strong vote of confidence but the honeymoon will be short...