This is a statement by Neil Hyden at the meeting of November 20, 2001 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy Progress Report for Niger.
This is a statement by Neil Hyden at the meeting of January 30, 2001 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy for Indonesia.
This is a statement by Neil Hyden at the meeting of December 12, 2000 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy and HIV/AIDS Prevention Project for Bangladesh.
This is a statement by Neil Hyden at the meeting of March 30, 2000 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy and Urban 5 Project for Ghana.
This is a statement by Neil Hyden at the meeting of February 29, 2000 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy for Cambodia.
This is a statement by Neil Hyden at the meeting of December 9, 1999 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy for Papua New Guinea.