Corruption is an impediment to growth and poverty reduction. As the authors in this issue of Development Outreach well document, corruption limits opportunities, creates inefficiencies and forms additional...
The nature and scale of development issues require effective partnerships and solutions that involve different sectors of society. These interconnected and systemic issues are best looked at in a multisectoral...
This book contributes to the empirical and theoretical analysis of the performance of cities in a globalizing world, bringing together a range of perspectives on the policy implications for urban management...
This book contributes to the empirical and theoretical analysis of the performance of cities in a globalizing world, bringing together a range of perspectives on the policy implications for urban management...
The three Central American countries examined in this study suffered violent internal conflicts during the 1980s but faced the 1990s largely at peace and with a renewed sense of hope. As in most post-conflict...
Cities and citizens; by James D. Wolfensohn. Urban air pollution management; by Frannie A. Leautier. Unknown cities : Metropolis, identity and governance in a global world; by Tim E. Campbell. The new...
This newsletter in the Development Outreach covers the following topics: 1) what our readers think; 2) development reach; 3) special report: sustaining the earth; 4) voices from the field; 5) knowledge...