This report is a guidebook for practitioners to promote policy actions that strengthen competitiveness at the subnational level. It introduces Subnational Competitiveness Grants (SCGs) as an innovative...
The study developed an analytical tool to support Kenya’s subnational governments to identify opportunities and barriers to realizing inclusive and sustainable private sector–led growth within their jurisdictions...
A key focus of most countries is to stimulate growth in their small and medium enterprises (SME) population. There are various influences on SME competitiveness. Governments, development partners, non-profit...
This paper examines interventions that seek to address firm-level capabilities and access to markets in an integrated fashion. Examples of such interventions include supplier development programs (linking...
The objective of this deliverable of Component 5, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), of the Cluster Competitiveness Project (P154353) is to outline the requirements of a functional M&E setup and to present...
The Cluster Competitiveness Project (P154353) is a Reimbursable Advisory Services Project, which delivered a set of 13 Competitiveness Reinforcement Initiatives (CRI), targeting transformational change...
Theory of Change in tourism is about understanding why and how change happens, so that development programs can make the most of the development potential of this sector. It is critically important that...
Matching grants (MGs) have been implemented by the World Bank for over two decades. They remain a very popular instrument for private sector development interventions, despite often challenging implementation...