EU accession challenges CEE agriculture. Land policies and evolving farm structures in transition countries; by Zvi Lerman, Csaba Csaki, and Gershon Feder. Hungary's twisted land market. Foreign direct...
Just like combating terror, fighting poverty is a common responsibility - interview with Nick Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Petty corruption in the wild, wild east; by Scott Thomas. Anticorruption campaigns...
Managing World Bank operations in the Balkan hot spot - interview with Country Director Christiaan J. Poortman. The virtual economy and economic recovery in Russia; by Clifford G. Gaddy and Barry W. Ickes...
Ten years in transition : recalling the events of a historic decade with World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Czech President Vaclav Havel on the intellectual challenge of globalization...
The Bank adapts to changing circumstances in transition economies - interview with Vice President Johannes Linn; by Richard Hirschler. Dividing transition gains and losses: pensions, privatization, and...
Non-payments cycle in Russia suffocates economic growth - proposal of World Bank Economists; by Brian Pinto, Vladimir Drebentsov, and Alexander Morozov. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...
New corruption indexes of transparency international : wide range of scores, by Richard Hischler. Development Dividend of good governance. The art of attracting foreign direct investment in transition...
Interview with World bank President James D. Wolfensohn - The new development approach and the transition economies; editor (Richard Hischler). Situation of Russia's poor aggravates - World Bank proposes...
Firm performance, conflict prevention, capital flight - World Bank researchers on new territories: interview with Paul Collier and David Dollar, by Richard Hirschler. Time to rethink privatization in transition...
Firm performance, conflict prevention, capital flight - World Bank researchers on new territories: interview with Paul Collier and David Dollar, by Richard Hirschler. Time to rethink privatization in transition...
"We did not neglect institutional development": interview with World Bank's ECA Chief Economist Marcelo Selowsky, by Richard Hirschler. The nature of Russia's economic castrophe - an alternative diagnosis...
Underneath the formal economy: why are Russian enterprises not restructuring?, by Clifford Gaddy & Barry W. Ickes. The virtual economy : a closer look, by Edwin G. Dolan. The summer the ruble collapsed...
Underneath the formal economy: why are Russian enterprises not restructuring?, by Clifford Gaddy & Barry W. Ickes. The virtual economy : a closer look, by Edwin G. Dolan. The summer the ruble collapsed...
"Economic Neoliberalism became almost irrelevant..." : Poland's Grzegorz W. Kolodko on new trends in development strategies (Grzegorz W. Kolodko and Richard Hirschler). Beyond the Washington Consensus...
Will China resist the Asian flu? an economic roundup. China's state-owned companies need urgent reform. The sale goes on: transforming small enterprises in China. Local governments: testing grounds for...
Interview with Joseph Stigliz - transition economy is still a well defined category. Market failure and corruption in the Czech Republic. EBRD report predicts accelerated growth in most transition countries...
Reform boosts growth and foreign investment. Nations in transit - 1997 Freedom House rankings. Good policies are needed to make aid effective. The EBRD increases activity : interview with EBRD's Chief...
How to catch up with the industrial world - achieving rapid growth in Europe's transition economies (Jeffrey D. Sachs and Andrew M. Warner). How democracy fosters growth: a new empirical approach (Jose...
From plan to market: a twenty-eight country adventure - Director Alan Gelb on the World Bank's new Development Report (Richard Hirschler). Postsocialist media: watchdog over fair market practices? (Richard...
World Bank efforts in Bosnia--conflict-solving through reconstruction (Michel Noel and Richard Hirschler). Sarajevo--a close-up: impressions from a tormented city ( Richard Hirschler). Wage convergence...