The overall goal of the analysis presented in this report is to advance the understanding and integration in operational terms of environmental water allocation into integrated water resources management...
The overall goal of the analysis presented in this report is to advance the understanding and integration in operational terms of environmental water allocation into integrated water resources management...
Irrigated agriculture provides about 40 percent of the world's food resources from 18 percent of the world's cultivated land. Compared to other water uses, irrigation is a high volume, low quality, low...
Access to sufficient amounts of clean water is increasingly recognized as the critical resource problem in the 21st century. The World Commission on Water estimates that the world's use of water has increased...
The paper is based on a review of regional environment strategies (prepared for the Environment Strategy), on a review of the water sector portfolio, and country focus studies (done for the Water Resources...
The specific objectives of the seminar were to sensitize decisionmakers on the need doe managing water resources in a comprehensive manner; share river basin management experiences from within and outside...