The evolution of technical regulations and standards in the area of food safety and quality are of great concern to donors aiming to provide support for the establishment and/or enhancement of agri-food...
Food safety is linked in direct and indirect ways to achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those on ending hunger and poverty, and promoting good health and well-being. Food and...
The relative prosperity enjoyed by Uganda during the 1960s, based largely on the traditional exports of coffee, tea, cotton, and tobacco, was eroded by a devastating civil war over the period 1971 to 1985...
This paper provides the results of an international survey of practitioners with experience in facilitating the participation of African smallholder farmers in supply chains for higher-value and/or differentiated...
The key message in the paper is that demand and supply-side changes in high-value agricultural and food markets are presenting potentially lucrative opportunities for developing countries, both as a means...
Many of Jamaica's nontraditional agro-food exports face a broad range of competitiveness constraints related to inconsistent raw material production, high post-harvest losses, relatively high cost and...
This study provides an overview of fish and fishery products exports from India as a whole before focusing on the fish and fishery products sector in Kerala. The food safety and other technical requirements...