Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing rapid population growth. Yet their economic growth has not kept pace. Why? One factor might be low capital investment, due in part to Africa’s relative poverty:...
Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing rapid population growth. Yet their economic growth has not kept pace. Why? One factor might be low capital investment, due in part to Africa’s relative poverty:...
Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing rapid population growth. Yet their economic growth has not kept pace. Why? One factor might be low capital investment, due in part to Africa’s relative poverty:...
Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing rapid population growth. Yet their economic growth has not kept pace. Why? One factor might be low capital investment, due in part to Africa’s relative poverty:...
Using three waves of survey data from fishing villages in Aceh, Indonesia for 2005–09, we examine the determinants of local volunteer labor after the tsunami. Volunteer labor is the village public sector...
This paper documents a significant impact of climate variation on urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa, primarily in more arid countries. By lowering farm incomes, reduced moisture availability encourages...
This paper focuses on three interrelated questions on urbanization and the geography of development. First, although we herald cities with their industrial bases as "engines of growth," does industrialization...
This paper focuses on several interrelated key questions on the geography of development. Although we herald cities with their industrial bases as 'engines of growth,' does industrialization in fact drive...
In the past dozen years, a literature has developed arguing that urbanization has unfolded differently in post-independence Sub-Saharan Africa than in the rest of the developing world, with implications...
The authors examine the determinants of Brazilian city growth between 1970 and 2000. They consider a model of a city that combines aspects of standard urban economics and the new economic geography literatures...
The share of urban population in Brazil increased from 58 to 80 percent between 1970 and 2000 and all net population growth over the next 30 years is predicted to be in cities. This paper explores population...
Weathering the storm : the impact of the East Asian crisis on farm households in Indonesia and Thailand; by Fabrizio Bresciani, Gershon Feder, Daniel O. Gilligan, Hanan G. Jacoby, Tongroj Onchan, and Jaime...
The rapid urbanization in many developing countries over the past half century seems to have been accompanied by excessively high levels of concentration of the urban population in very large cities. Some...
波兰持续存在的住房短缺现象,降低了劳动力的流动性,从而阻碍了经济的潜在增长。改善住房状况,对于波兰的经济发展至关重要。 在考察波兰在经济转轨之后的城镇和地区发展时,作者发现波兰的城镇化水平仍非常低。最大几个城市的发展速度低于转轨后自由调整应达到的预期水平。从而,波兰并没有充分实现城镇化的外部经济。 20世纪90年代,国内移民规模明显下降,尤其是农村到城市的移民规模更是显著下降。各地现有人口水平看起来没有发生太大变化,同时城镇化水平低于国际标准。移民规模并没有对各地的失业率差异做出反应,这也许是因为波兰持续存在的住房短缺现象阻碍了移民。住房建设规模原本便很低,20世纪90年代又下降了一半,最近也只是略微有所增长。...
如果城市的过度集中真是个问题的话,它就应该会严重地、持续地影响经济增长率。实际上,情况确实是如此。不但确实存在与具体国家收入相一致的最佳城市集中程度,而且背离这一最佳集中程度将导致大量的增长损失。城市过度集中的国家可以通过投资于地区间的运输基础设施,尤其是增加公路网的密度,来减轻城市集中程度。 通过使用80至100个国家1960年至1995年每五年一组的固定样本数据,Henderson用计量经济学方法研究了城市过度集中的问题。他发现了以下问题:...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...