This study on education quality and economic growth aims to contribute to the World Bank's education agenda by communicating research findings on the impact of education quality on economic growth. The...
The role of improved schooling, a central part of most development strategies, has become controversial because expansion of school attainment has not guaranteed improved economic conditions. This paper...
This study on education quality and economic growth aims to contribute to the World Bank's education agenda by communicating research findings on the impact of education quality on economic growth. The...
This book summarizes social policy reform during the transition and European Union accession and analyses the social policy challenges which continue to face both old and new member states. Specifically...
The central focus on the work, Efficiency and equity in schools around the world, is how systematic policy actions of governments affect student performance. Building upon the testing and surveys of the...
Policymakers in developing countries have long been troubled by the undesirable, but apparently unavoidable, choice between providing broad access to education and developing high-quality schools. Recent...
School quality and grade completion are shown to be directly linked, leading to very different perspectives on educational policy in developing countries. Unique panel data on primary school age children...
Education policy in developing countries is often expressed as a tradeoff between quality of schools and equity of access by students. The analysis behind this book demonstrates that such a distinction...
This paper defines education efficiency and reviews evidence from 15 empirical studies regarding the cost-effectiveness of several educational interventions: Instructional materials (textbooks), teacher...