This report is organized as follows. Section two provides a brief overview of the key features of labor market intelligence, largely based on international practice. Section three focuses on the available...
The objective of this technical report and the accompanying skills profiles report is twofold. First, the technical report explains the methodology used to transform job postings text into OV data and...
Human capital development is at the top of Indonesia’s economic development agenda. The National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN 2005–2025) identifies human resource development as one of the key drivers...
Indotask, which stands for Indonesia’s occupational tasks and skills, represents the first attempt to collect detailed occupational data on tasks and skills in Indonesia. This report presents a detailed...
Indotask, which stands for Indonesia’s occupational tasks and skills, represents the first attempt to collect detailed occupational data on tasks and skills in Indonesia. This report presents a detailed...
Developing the skills and capabilities of the Indonesian workforce are key drivers of economic growth, individual wellbeing, and societal cohesion. This report, the Indonesia’s occupational employment...
Developing the skills and capabilities of the Indonesian workforce are key drivers of economic growth, individual wellbeing, and societal cohesion. This report, the Indonesia’s occupational employment...
Indonesia’s occupational tasks and skills - or Indotask - is a timely effort to fill in the data needs for workforce development policy and monitoring. It is one of four current initiatives supported by...
Indonesia’s occupational tasks and skills - or Indotask - is a timely effort to fill in the data needs for workforce development policy and monitoring. It is one of four current initiatives supported by...
The occupational employment and vacancy survey (OEVS) is a pilot designed to inform job prospects in all occupations in selected sectors and regions of Indonesia. This report shows results from the first...
The occupational employment and vacancy survey (OEVS) is a pilot designed to inform job prospects in all occupations in selected sectors and regions of Indonesia. This report shows results from the first...
To reduce extreme poverty and break its intergenerational transmission, the Government of Tanzania created the productive social safety net (PSSN). The specific objective of the PSSN, which is implemented...
To reduce extreme poverty and break its intergenerational transmission, the Government of Tanzania created the Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN). The PSSN is based on integrated interventions targeted...