Low levels of foundational literacy and numeracy skills in Kosovo limit the ability of young adults to develop the skills required for the labor market and to lead full and productive lives. It is well...
Low levels of foundational literacy and numeracy skills in Kosovo limit the ability of young adults to develop the skills required for the labor market and to lead full and productive lives. It is well...
The objective of the report is to inform the preparation of a Government Program for establishing the status of customers in need, the scope of their rights, and protection measures to help them meet demands...
Maternity, paternity, and parental leave policies and associated benefits play a significant role in ensuring financial protection at the time of pregnancy, child birth and child raising, and in shaping...
Kosovo is the second poorest country in Europe, after Moldova, with one in five Kosovars living in poverty. Improved economic conditions in the country have yet to translate into significant poverty reduction...
The Government of Serbia has embarked on a program to review the functions of various entities in the state administration. The aim of the review is to support the government’s effort to control the wage...
This report concerns Europe and Central Asia, a World Bank region that comprises 28 countries, of which 27 are transition countries, and which also includes Turkey. These countries are grappling with a...