The International Finance Corporation (IFC) introduced the Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP) in 2005 is to 'support the extension of trade finance to underserved clients globally.' The program has since...
The paper examines aggregate primary capital market activity in a cross section of emerging market, and developed countries. The authors analyze data on the value of funds raised domestically via issues...
Private investment in developing countries continued its upward trend in 1996, the most recent year for which data exist, on an unweighted average basis. Public investment rates continued a decline that...
This report focuses on foreign sources of financing, i.e. foreign direct investment, international debt issues, new equity capital, international bank lending and portfolio equity flows.
Most discussions of security markets and asset pricing take trading system design as exogenous and as playing a relatively minor role in the overall pricing process. But more recently, interest in market...
Long stifled by government controls, emerging market (EM) corporate finance is changing dramatically as recent liberalization is revitalizing stagnant domestic capital markets and permitting increased...
The report considers the use of risk management techniques and instruments by firms in developing countries. Increased financial market volatility in recent years has led to the development of a number...
This discussion paper looks at the past and potential future role of the private sector in electricity generation in developing countries. It considers the supply of electricity by the private sector as...