In the framework of the country’s Education Quality Improvement Project, the World Bank carried out a survey to diagnose the state of primary education in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The service...
The authors visited 350 primary schools and collected data from 1,838 teachers and 3,368 Grade 4 students to assess the quality of education service delivery in a nationally representative sample of schools...
The authors visited 350 primary schools and collected data from 1,838 teachers and 3,368 Grade 4 students to assess the quality of education service delivery in a nationally representative sample of schools...
This paper empirically examines the demand and supply sides of bribery using World Bank Enterprise Survey data on 18,005 firms in 75 developing countries. It assesses the determinants of firms' bribe paying...
While Ukraine has spent a significant amount of resources on health, its health outcomes fare poorly when compared with other European countries. For example, average life expectancy at birth in Ukraine...
In Nigeria, health care is devolved to the states and primary health care (PHC) is the responsibility of the local governments, but existing budget and capacity constraints impact delivery for an effective...
In Nigeria, health care is devolved to the states and primary health care (PHC) is the responsibility of the local governments, but existing budget and capacity constraints impact delivery for an effective...
This study examines Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) and Quantitative Service Delivery Survey (QSDS) carried out in Africa with the objective of assessing their approaches, main findings, and...
The Delivering Service Indicators seek to provide a set of indices for benchmarking service delivery performance in education and health in Africa in order to track progress in and across countries over...
There is a widespread consensus among scholars and policy makers that good governance and strong institutions are fundamental to achieve development objectives. While good governance has been recognized...
This paper investigates individuals' bypassing behavior in the health sector in Chad and the determinants of individuals' facility choice. The authors introduce a new way to measure bypassing using the...
In the public sector in developing countries, leakage of public resources could prove detrimental to users and affect the well-being of the population. This paper empirically examines the importance of...
Empirical work in labor economics has focused on rent sharing as an explanation for the observed correlation between wages and profitability. The alternative explanation of risk sharing between workers...
Macro and micro perspectives of growth and poverty in Africa; by Luc Christiaensen, Lionel Demery, and Stefano Paternostro. Risk sharing in labor markets; by Arne Bigsten, Paul Collier, Stefan Dercon...
After decades of high trade restrictions, fiscal distortions, and currency overvaluation, Cameroon implemented important commercial and fiscal policy reforms in 1994. Almost simultaneously, a major devaluation...
在喀麦隆,大幅的货币贬值或税制结构的大幅简化,对于企业的利润率并没有重大的、系统性的影响。不过,贸易自由化(大幅削减关税)对制造商产生了重要影响。同时,货币贬值使得相对价格水平明显有利于出口商品。 在经历了几十年的贸易高度管制、财政状况恶化和币值高估之后,喀麦隆实施了重大的商业和财政政策改革。几乎与此同时,CFA的大幅贬值使得喀麦隆货币的国际兑换价格下降了一半。 作者考察了这些改革措施对制造企业的激励效应。...
The theoretical literature on investment stresses the role of expectations, but in empirical work data on expectations are rarely available. This paper draws on survey data for manufacturing firms in Kenya...
Macro policy has changed the real exchange rates for African countries dramatically in the 1990s. In this paper the possible impact of macroeconomic policy on firms in the manufacturing sector is considered...