Numerous digital health interventions have been piloted in response to the health care challenges low- and middle-income countries face. Because the opportunity cost of investing in digital health interventions...
Physical effort is a primary component in models of economic behavior. However, applications that measure effort are historically scarce. This paper assesses the differences in physical activity between...
Financial incentives or performance pay links payments to health facilities and workers to the quantity and quality of services they deliver. These performance incentives came on the scene in health financing...
Financial incentives or performance pay links payments to health facilities and workers to the quantity and quality of services they deliver. These performance incentives came on the scene in health financing...
Financial incentives or performance pay links payments to health facilities and workers to the quantity and quality of services they deliver. These performance incentives came on the scene in health financing...
Financial incentives or performance pay links payments to health facilities and workers to the quantity and quality of services they deliver. These performance incentives came on the scene in health financing...
The identification of key determinants of aid effectiveness is a long-standing question in the development community. This paper reviews the literature on aid effectiveness at the project level and then...
Financial incentives for health providers and households are increasingly used to improve reproductive, maternal, and child health service coverage in low- and middle-income countries. This study provides...
While COVID-19 has a relatively small direct impact on infant mortality, the pandemic is expected to indirectly increase mortality of this vulnerable group in low-income and middle-income countries through...
In lower-income countries, the economic contractions that accompany lockdowns to contain the spread of COVID-19 can increase child mortality, counteracting the mortality reductions achieved by the lockdown...
The disutility of work, often summarily described as effort, is a primal component of economic models of worker and consumer behavior. However, empirical applications that measure effort, especially those...
Faced with COVID-19 (Coronavirus), countries are taking drastic action based on little information. Two tests can help governments shorten and soften economically costly suppression measures while still...
This report provides findings and recommendations based on the process monitoring evaluation of the continuous quality improvement (CQI) intervention being implemented under the World Bank financed Health...
Based on a randomized evaluation, the paper shows that a household-targeted Philippine cash transfer program significantly raised the local price of key foods relevant for child nutritional status. This...
This paper investigates an alternative proxy for individual worker productivity in physical work settings: a direct measure of physical activity using an accelerometer. First, the paper compares worker...
Could a partial subsidy for child education increase children's participation in paid work? In contrast to much of the theoretical and empirical child labor literature, this paper shows that child work...
This report presents an impact evaluation assessing the effect of incentives on improving the uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) in two districts in Malawi. The cluster randomised control...
There is wide variation in how consumption is measured in household surveys both across countries and over time. This variation may confound welfare comparisons in part because these alternative survey...
In low and middle-income countries, there are various interventions that can be used to improvehealth system functionality and priority health outcomes. Results Based Financing (RBF) is oneapproach increasingly...