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  • Sustaining trade reform : institutional lessons from Peru and Argentina (英语)

    This paper examines trade policies in Peru and Argentina since the reforms of the 1990s. Peru provides a valuable example of sustaining reform. Leaders have used negotiations and other international instruments...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6610 文件日期: 2013年9月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Baracat,Elias Antonio,Finger,Joseph Michael,Leon Thorne,Raul Matias,Nogues,Julio

  • Sustaining trade reform : institutional lessons from Argentina and Peru (英语)

    Trade reform in Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s was in significant part a reform of policy-making institutions. The institutions that existed when the reforms began had been created in response to...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 79618 文件日期: 2013年1月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Baracat,Elias Antonio,Finger,Joseph Michael,Nogues,Julio,Leon Thorne,Raul Matias

  • Safeguards and antidumping in Latin American trade liberalization (英语)

    The binding of tariff rates and adoption of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization-sanctioned safeguards and antidumping mechanisms provided the basis to remove a multitude...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS4680 文件日期: 2008年7月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael,Nogues,Julio

  • Implementing a WTO agreement on trade facilitation : what makes sense ? (英语)

    Contrary to the prevailing view that the Doha negotiations have achieved little, the authors find that on trade facilitation much progress has been made. This is particularly true in regard to action by...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS3971 文件日期: 2006年8月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael,Wilson,John S.

  • 贫困人口的知识:帮助贫困人口从知识中获得收入 (英语)

    我们怎样帮助贫困人口从他们的知识中而不是汗水和体力中获得更多的收入?本文总结了某些项目的经验,即旨在促进和保护贫困国家贫困人口的创新、知识和创造性技能的项目,特别是提高贫困人口从知识和技能中获得收入的项目。 国际社会相当关注与贫困国家购买的知识产权有关的问题,如WTO《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS)中提出的不断增长的药品费用问题。本文的主题与这方面进展的另一部分问题有关,即知识产权的连接。它所讨论的是贫困人口拥有、创造和出售的知识,而不是他们所购买的知识。...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS3205 文件日期: 2004年1月29日 披露方式: 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael

  • 不平衡的乌拉圭回合结果: 未来WTO谈判的新领域 (英语)

    在重商主义经济里,在乌拉圭回合中,相对于南方发展中国家而言,北方发达国家是一个大赢家,在实际经济中,北方发达国家是一个更大的赢家。 乌拉圭回合涉及南-北方发达和不发达国家和地区之间的大量讨价还价: 北方发达国家减少了进口壁垒, 特别是有关纺织品和农业的进口壁垒。南方发展中国家在这些领域,如服务和知识产权采用了新的国内监管,这一变化将使从北方发达国家购买的商品增加。在重商主义经济学中, 苹果换苹果,进口对进口。...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS2732 文件日期: 2001年12月31日 披露方式: 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael,Nogues,Julio

  • South Africa - A review of trade policies (英语)

    This report is an attempt to provide an overview of South Africa's trade regime to assess whether it is conducive to sustaining a prolonged export drive. Stagnation of output and rising unemployment have...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 12969 文件日期: 1993年8月31日 披露方式: 作者: Belli,Pedro,Finger,Joseph Michael,Ballivian, Amparo,AFR

  • The World Bank research observer 7 (2) (英语)

    Dumping and antidumping: the rhetoric and the reality of protection in industrial countries. Policy instruments for pollution control in developing countries. A survey of the costs of world sugar policies...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 17521 文件日期: 1992年7月31日 披露方式: 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael,Eskeland,Gunnar Saethern,Jimenez,Emmanuel Y.,Borrell,Brent William,Duncan,Ronald C.,Mitra,Pradeep K.,McLure, Charles E., Jr.,Tait, Alan A.

  • The origins and evolution of antidumping regulation (英语)

    Antidumping has about it the aura of a special measure to undo a special problem. Within this view, the explosion of antidumping actions in the 1980s was simply a good thing carried too far: the appropriate...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS783 文件日期: 1991年10月31日 披露方式: 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael

  • The meaning of "unfair" in US import policy (英语)

    This paper concludes that transparency, openness, and objectivity, are important parts of the American ideal of rule of law. Yet these procedural refinements seem to contribute more to the problem than...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS745 文件日期: 1991年8月31日 披露方式: 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael

  • La Ronda Uruguay - Manual para las Negociaciones Comerciales Multilaterales (法语)

    The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) system is three things: The belief that an open international trading system conveys political and economic advantages to each nation; The international...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 189358 文件日期: 1989年2月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael,Olechowski,Andrzej

  • Economists, institutions, and trade restrictions : a review article (英语)

    A review article on the work of "practitioners of contemporary economic analysis of trade restrictions", this report focuses on three questions : a) are there holes in the case of free trade? B) Why are...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS78 文件日期: 1988年9月30日 披露方式: 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael

  • The Uruguay Round - A Handbook on the Multilateral Trade Negotiations (英语)

    The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) system is three things: The belief that an open international trading system conveys political and economic advantages to each nation; The international...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 189358 文件日期: 1987年11月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Finger,Joseph Michael,Olechowski,Andrzej

  • The World Bank economic review 1 (4) (英语)

    Introduction. Trade in services and the multilateral trade negotiations. Agriculture in the Uruguay Round: interests of developing countries. GATT law, agricultural trade, and developing countries: lessons...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 17559 文件日期: 1987年9月30日 披露方式: 作者: Anjaria, Shailendra J.,Bhagwati,Jagdish N.,Cable, Vincent,Chong-Hyun Nam,Finger,Joseph Michael,HINDLEY, BRIAN V.,Krueger,Anne O.,Nogues,Julio,Sathirathai, Surakiart,SIAMWALLA, AMMAR,Snape,Richard H.,Valdes, Alberto,Wolf,Martin H.