This study is the result of a partnership between the Government of Bangladesh Planning Commission and the World Bank. It rigorously looks at the changes taking place in the farm and non-farm segments...
The objective of the Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) is to assess the adequacy and performance of the policy, legal, and institutional framework for environmental management in Ukraine, in light of...
The objective of the Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) is to assess the adequacy and performance of the policy, legal, and institutional framework for environmental management in Ukraine, in light of...
This book is the result of a joint forum on 'innovation for development' held by the World Bank and the China-based Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Center (AFDC) in Shanghai in September 2006. The...
This book seeks to contribute to the sharing of knowledge between Brazil, India, and South Africa, three of the largest emerging economies today. By assessing and comparing the investment climate in each...
This book on micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) finance is intended primarily for government policy makers. It presents a policy framework whereby governments can support increased access by MSME...
This paper is a policy review of the role of investment climate in post-conflict situations. It summarizes the broad range of ways in which conflict negatively affects the investment climate, from macroeconomic...
This book is concerned with the role and organization of the enterprise sector in Russia, particularly Russia's concerted efforts to privatize ownership arrangements, and hence replace state control with...
A new program for trade recovery in the new independent states. Averting a debt crisis in the Russian economy. What's next? Strategies for enterprise restructuring in Russia. Czechs are optimistic - but...