Drawing upon the findings of several trade policy surveillance initiatives, an account is presented here of government resort to trade restrictions and reforms affecting medical goods during the Coronavirus...
In the first two months of 2021, the production of COVID-19 vaccines has suffered setbacks delaying the implementation of national inoculation strategies. These delays have revealed the concentration of...
This paper presents new high-frequency data on trade policy changes targeting medical and food products since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, documenting how countries used trade policy instruments...
As the world economy recovers, developing countries will need to rely on international markets including dynamic emerging markets, as a source of demand to revitalize economic growth. Despite recent calls...
The world is facing the most severe global economic crisis since the great depression of the 1930s. For the first time since World War two, World Bank projections for annual economic growth show that world...
The world is facing the most severe global economic crisis since the great depression of the 1930s. For the first time since Second World War, world gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to decline...
The decision not to launch negotiations in the World Trade Organization (WTO) on three of the Singapore Issues in the so-called July 2004 package provides an opportunity to revisit the knowledge base on...
The first 20 completed WTO accessions have raised systemic concerns that ought to be of interest to existing WTO members as well as to applicants. The first concern is that the growing price of WTO accession...
反对国际卡特尔的强制性活动兴起于1990年代。无论这种强制性活动的是非功过,人们都有充分理由怀疑国家法律是否能有效阻止卡特尔的形成。 1990年代强制性活动的记录表明,私人国际卡特尔并既没有消亡,也没有总是被其本身的动力机制很快拖垮。在美国和欧盟1990年代起诉的40个这种典型的卡特尔中,有24个延续了至少四年。在这些典型中,有20个卡特尔有销售数据。它们受起诉影响的产品在世界范围内的年营业额超过了300亿美元。...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
报告探讨了21世纪初不断变化的发展格局,以及21世纪所面临的主要问题之一 — 环境。其他主要问题还包括:贫困、人口增长、粮食安全、水资源短缺、气候变化以及文化保护。报告着重着眼于两种潜在的力量- 全球化与地方化,认为它们既能带来新的机会,又在经济和政治不稳定方面也带来了新的或更大的挑战。
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...