"The management of the Fund favors greater transparency" - Stanley Fischer responds to IMF critics. Conditionality : this time, attached to the IMF : the US Congress's waiting game. Will wage arrears continue...
This transition newsletter includes some of the following headings: why is Ukraine's economy, and Russia's not growing?; The Bank should prioritize recovery; retraining economics lecturers in Russia; North...
This transition newsletter includes some of the following headings: why is Ukraine's economy, and Russia's not growing?; The Bank should prioritize recovery; retraining economics lecturers in Russia; North...
Unemployment in Eastern Europe: social disease or economic necessity? A new wave of structural reforms in China - managing unleasing of market forces. Rich menu from China's reform kitchen. Hungary needs...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: women's employment in Central and Eastern Europe: the gender; population and labor trends in North Korea - bringing mysteries...