Tax revenues to GDP ratio in the Kyrgyz Republic is higher than most lower middle income countries at above 28 percent of GDP in 2022, but complex tax structure, narrow base and remaining weaknesses in...
The Kyrgyz Republic is a small, open, and lower-middle-income country. Throughout the past two decades, the Kyrgyz authorities have substantially improved the country’s fiscal stance to maintain macroeconomic...
The Kyrgyz Republic has experienced modest and volatile economic expansion since the economy bottomed out from the transition recession in 1995, when GDP amounted to about half of its pre-independence...
The Kyrgyz Republic has experienced modest and volatile economic expansion since the economy bottomed out from the transition recession in 1995, when GDP amounted to about half of its pre-independence...
This Public Expenditure Review (PER) of the Kyrgyz Republic is part of the programmatic PER, which aims to help the government strengthen macro-fiscal policies and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency...
Real GDP growth slowed to 3.1 percent in January-November 2018 from 3.7 percent in the same period of 2017. This deceleration was the result of slower growth in both gold production and non-gold industry...
Real GDP growth slowed to 3.1 percent in January-November 2018 from 3.7 percent in the same period of 2017. This deceleration was the result of slower growth in both gold production and non-gold industry...
Economic growth was robust in 2017, above expectations. This was thanks to favorable external developments in the region, continued expansionary fiscal policy, and growth in the gold sector. Real GDP growth...
The Kyrgyz economy appears to have recovered from the 2014-2015 external shocks. Over the first nine months of 2017, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded by five percent, year-on-year, thanks to...
The Kyrgyz economy appears to have recovered from the 2014-2015 external shocks. Over the first nine months of 2017, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded by five percent, year-on-year, thanks to...
The first part of the Economic Update analyzes recent macroeconomic trends and presents an assessment of the country’s short- and medium-term outlook. The Kyrgyz economy has remained resilient to the adverse...
The Kyrgyz economy has remained resilient in the face of continued significant external head winds in 2015, but sources of vulnerability have increased.While overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP)growth...
The Kyrgyz economy has remained resilient in the face of continued significant external head winds in 2015, but sources of vulnerability have increased.While overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP)growth...
GDP grew at a rate of 6.8 percent, year-on-year (y/y), between January and August, boosted by frontloaded gold production and a strong performance of the agricultural sector. Gold output grew by 46 percent...
GDP grew at a rate of 6.8 percent, year-on-year (y/y), between January and August, boosted by frontloaded gold production and a strong performance of the agricultural sector. Gold output grew by 46 percent...
Growth in the Kyrgyz Republic slowed significantly in 2014, reflecting the deteriorating external environment and supply-side constraints. Economic growth fell to 3.6 percent in 2014 from 10.9 percent...
Growth in the Kyrgyz Republic slowed significantly in 2014, reflecting the deteriorating external environment and supply-side constraints. Economic growth fell to 3.6 percent in 2014 from 10.9 percent...
The Kyrgyz Republic's three party coalition has tackled a number of events during 2013, including mayoral elections in the country's biggest cities Bishkek and Osh road blockages around Kumtor, the country's...