Strategic investment funds (SIFs) have gained prominence over the past two decades as governments and other public sponsors globally have increasingly co-opted the investment fund model to further policy...
В Республике Беларусь имеется ряд естественно сформированных кластеров, играющих важную роль в развитии экономики страны. Эти кластеры не являются формальными структурами, а представляют собой группы взаимосвязанных...
Several natural clusters have been important for Belarus’ development. These clusters are not formal entities. Instead, they are groups of interrelated companies, organizations, and service providers—linked...
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face significant financing gaps that stifle innovation and economic growth. The credit gap alone is estimated at dollar 4.5 trillion as of 2017 for emerging markets...
This paper discusses the landscape for private equity and venture capital financing in Nepal. It provides an overview of the nascent private equity and venture capital market in the country, describing...
This paper discusses the landscape for private equity and venture capital financing in Ghana. It provides an overview of the private equity and venture capital market in the country, describing key players...
This paper discusses the landscape for private equity and venture capital financing in Kenya. It provides an overview of the private equity and venture capital market in the country, describing key players...
This study was initiated as a result of interest expressed by Caribbean Governors attending the 2014 World Bank–International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings to tap into the regional Diaspora investor community...
The overall objective of the SDGs is to overcome poverty and save the planet. To meet the SDGs, total incremental investment needs in developing countries through 2030 are estimated at US$1.5 to US$2.5...
This report includes the following headlines: why is the government setting up a venture capital fund? Defining the target investee; what is the legal and regulatory environment under which the fund and...
This World Bank publication provides an overview of mutual funds in developing countries, outlining their role in the financial sector; the different types of mutual funds; the structure of the mutual...
This paper discusses the constraints for private equity financing of small and medium enterprises in developing economies. In addition to capital, private equity investors bring knowledge and expertise...
In this study the authors stress that businesses in South Asia have far to go to crack the upper echelons of the ranks of business in both rich and emerging economies in the ease of doing business. Even...