Economic reforms have altered Vietnam from one of the world's lowest income countries to a lower-middle-income country. However, since 2008, Vietnam has faced major challenges in restoring macroeconomic...
Tales from the development frontier is an important publication that presents analytical reviews and case studies that show how selected developing countries have developed light manufacturing to create...
Links between social capital, human capital, and product imitation are studied in an overlapping generations model of endogenous growth where the key benefit of social capital is to promote imitation...
This book on light manufacturing in Zambia is part of broader World Bank work on light manufacturing in Africa. The focus on light manufacturing, with its emphasis on labor-intensive economic activities...
This paper studies the role of public policy in promoting industrial transformation from an imitationbased, low-skill economy to an innovation-based, high-skill economy, where technological progress now...
What role does public policy play in helping countries accelerate the industrialization process? This note aims to answer this question by applying a framework to analyze the process of transitioning from...
The chapters in part one provides the overall context of light manufacturing in Tanzania. Chapter one presents the rationale for the study, the potential of the sector in creating jobs and prosperity for...
This book sheds light on the characteristics of formal and informal manufacturing firms in Africa by comparing these firms with firms in other regions. Drawing on two data sources, the authors find that...
The World Bank's strategy for Africa's future recognizes the central importance of industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the consequent creation of productive jobs for Africans, which have long...
The World Bank's strategy for Africa's future recognizes the central importance of industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the consequent creation of productive jobs for Africans, which have long...
Firms in developing countries face numerous and serious constraints on their growth, ranging from corruption to lack of infrastructure to inability to access finance. Countries lack the resources to remove...
This paper advances an alternative explanation of the large external imbalance between the United States (U.S.) and China, and its linkages to the current global financial crisis. The authors show that...
Zambia's economy is not growing fast. Poverty is on the rise. The quality of economic governance is on the decline. And public resources are not well spent. The badly needed first steps to reverse all...
In the early 1990s, facing runaway inflation and budget discipline problems, the Zambian government introduced the so-called 'cash budget," in which government domestic spending is limited to domestic...
面临1990年代早期的恶性通货膨胀和预算纪律问题,赞比亚政府引进了所谓的“金融预算”方法;其中政府的国内支出只限于国内财政收入,从而不给过度支出留有任何余地。Dinh,Adugna和Myers回顾了前十年的经验,重点考查了现金预算对减轻贫困的作用。 他们的结论是,在控制恶性通货膨胀取得了某些初步成功之后,现金预算在很大程度上未能降低通货膨胀的水平,反而导致了虚假的财政安全感,并使决策者不再集中精力解决财政纪律的根本问题。更重要的是,它对为穷人提供服务的质量有严重的负面影响。现金预算固有的特征推动大量资源偏离预定目标对象,如提供社会和经济服务的机构和部委。现金预算还消除了现金释放的可预见性,使专业部委难以制定有效的计划。如要向前发展,赞比亚就必须继续采取能够恢复预算承诺和重建预算纪律的措施,并使预算的执行决定免受纯短期危机压力的影响。
在金融一体化的世界,如果抛开经济发展的其他方面,单独评估财政绩效,其结果将引人误入歧途。在这里,本框架中的提议可以帮助跨越不同时期和不同国家评价财政绩效,并指出与一个国家的经济和社会目标相一致的财政调整步伐。 财政政策对一个国家的经济和社会目标至关重要,如从宏观经济稳定到可持续增长和减少贫困。不过跨越不同时期或相对于其他国家来评价一个国家的财政绩效,常常脱离其他发展目标单独进行,未考虑财政、货币和汇率政策之间的联系。...
Although Egypt's budget deficit is far above the level found in other low-middle-income countries, the inflation rate in Egypt has never been very high. This is because the country has managed to finance...
An appropriate interest rate policy is considered essential to the success of stabilization and adjustment programs that Egypt might undertake. The broad objectives of such a policy would include deregulating...
Egypt has been able to escape high inflation by depleting its stocks of creditworthiness, money illusion, and enforceable foreign-exchange controls. These nonrecoverable assets are quickly becoming extinct...