This report presents the insights obtained, organized around the confirmation (fact) or rebuttal (myth) of 16 frequently held perceptions. It is found that women do not contribute 60 to 80 percent of the...
This book is the outcome of stylized facts set agendas and shape debates. In rapidly changing and data-scarce environments, they also risk being ill-informed, outdated, and misleading. Following higher...
This book contributes to the debate about the role of agriculture in poverty reduction by addressing three sets of questions: Does investing in agriculture enhance/harm overall economic growth, and if...
The relative contribution of a sector to poverty reduction is shown to depend on its direct and indirect growth effects as well as its participation effect. The paper assesses how these effects compare...
This article reviews trends in poverty, economic policies, and growth in a sample of African countries during the 1990s, drawing on the better household data now available. Experiences have varied. Some...
Macro and micro perspectives of growth and poverty in Africa; by Luc Christiaensen, Lionel Demery, and Stefano Paternostro. Risk sharing in labor markets; by Arne Bigsten, Paul Collier, Stefan Dercon...
This book synthesizes, and elaborates on the results of a series of country studies, completed under the Poverty Dynamics in Africa Initiative, organized by the Africa Region of the Bank. These studies...
Public expenditures may include generating transfers to the population. These expenditures may be either in the form of cash or monetary transfers, such as social assistance or social insurance payments...
African countries committed to pursuing development goals, and donors committed to supporting them through the Strategic Partnership with Africa (SPA), are both faced with growing challenges as they enter...
The evolution of poverty and inequality in Indian villages; by Rajshri Jayaraman and Peter Lanjouw. Appraising workfare; by Martin Ravallion. Public social spending in Africa : do the poor benefit?; by...
Education and health care are basic services essential in any effort to combat poverty and are often subsidized with public funds to help achieve that purpose. This paper examines the effectiveness of...
Reducing poverty and improving social conditions in the developing world is central to the World Bank's mission. But just how difficult is this task, and how attainable are the goals that have been set?...
Introduction. Lyn Squire Household responses to public health services : cost and quality tradeoffs. Harold Alderman and Victor Lavy The impact of health and nutrition on education. Jere R. Behrman Macroeconomic...
The view that macroeconomic adjustment disproportionately hurts the poor in Africa has become commonplace. The popular media and the nongovernmental aid community frequently express this view in critiques...
The first chapter of this paper focuses only with the two critical human resources sectors, health and education. The following sections deal with the approach that is taken in the first chapter, this...
The study investigates the implication of economic recovery in Ghana, and how it relates to the incidence of social spending, reviewing how the poor benefit from education and health spending. As of the...
The paper is part of an overall review of public expenditures for Kenya, which includes analysis of health expenditures. The health expenditure analysis has been divided into two separate reports, this...
This paper reports on household size changes in the Cote d'Ivoire between 1985 and 1988 as evidenced by the Cote d'Ivoire Living Standards Survey (CILSS). The decline, from 8.31 to just 6.32, cannot be...
This is one of a series of technical documents providing guidelines on the measurement and analysis of the socio-economic effects of structural adjustment policies, and in particular how such policies...
This study has identified a number of examples in which concerns about the alleviation of poverty have been given some practical expression in adjustment programs. Because most of these examples are of...