Childhood stunting, being too short for one’s age, is the result of chronic or recurrent undernutrition. Stunting poses a significant impediment to human development, with those affected facing long-term...
This snapshot summarizes findings related to the impact of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Project on children’s early learning environments in Northern Lao PDR. Results reported include children for...
This snapshot summarizes results related to the impact of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Project on children’s developmental outcomes in Northern Lao PDR. Results presented include children who participated...
This snapshot provides details regarding the instruments that have been adapted for the Laos context to measure the quality of children’s early environments and child development outcomes as part of the...
Although decelerating from 6.9 percent the previous year, economic growth in 2018 is estimated to remain robust at 6.5 percent. The slowdown in growth in 2018 has been partly due to a combination of the...
The development objective of the Second Global Partnership for Education Project for Lao People's Democratic Republic is to support the Government of Lao PDR in improving pre-primary and primary education...
The development objective of the Early Childhood Education Project for Lao People's Democratic Republic is to increase coverage and improve the quality of early childhood education services for 3 to 5-year-olds...
The SABER Service Delivery (SABER SD) survey instrument was developed as an initiative to uncover bottlenecks that inhibit student learning in low and middle-income countries and to better understand the...