The Turkish Cypriot economy (TCe) has struggled to recover since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. With a contraction of 16.2 percent in GDP in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic first took...
Moldova’s policy priorities and key actions going forward: Strengthening the capacity and governance of public administration; Strengthening the judiciary and the fight against corruption; Supporting a...
The special topic of this edition of the Macroeconomic Monitoring report focuses on the TC administration’s ‘public’ financial support to the agriculture sector. Due to the Turkish lira depreciation, the...
This issues brief examines the challenges of monitoring financial flows related to climate change. The first part focuses on tracking, monitoring, and reporting various types of flows, primarily from official...
A prolonged and multispeed recovery period, its associated policy response, and the new global financial landscape might have important bearing on the size and allocation of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs)...