Biodiversity loss will be an increasingly important source of risk and opportunity for the insurance sector. The significant degradation of ecosystems has the potential to materially impact global finance...
Social protection (SP) programs are fundamental in responding to the impact of shocks, whether covariate or idiosyncratic, by helping to mitigate their impacts as well as build resilience to future shocks...
Implicit contingent liabilities, such as those generated by natural disasters, are often not quantified in the government balance sheet. However, when they materialize, they place pressure on government...
This report forms part of the World Bank’s technical assistance project undertaken with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)...
This report forms part of the World Bank’s technical assistance project undertaken with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)...
This report presents an analysis conducted by the World Bank to assess macro-fiscal impacts of earthquakes and floods in European Union (EU) Member States (MS), analyze the financial instruments in place...
The objective of this report is to summarize insights and provide recommendations related to the challenges and opportunities for civil protection (CP) agencies to leverage investments for disaster prevention...
This short note was published as independent blogs between June and October 2020 as part of technical knowledge produced by the disaster risk finance community of practice.
The options presented in this paper were developed at the request of the Government of Pakistan (GoP) to contribute to the country's disaster resilience and overall sustainable development. They are in...
The current PCRAFI program, phase II builds on the initial phase of thePacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative (PCRAFI), ajoint initiative of the World Bank, SPC, and the Asian Development...
This paper focuses on the impact of disasters on public expenditures, and how this impact might be valued. The impact may involve changes in the composition of spending, concurrently and over time. It...
This note aims to build understanding of the existing disaster risk financing and insurance (DRFI) tools in use in Fiji and to identify gaps where potential engagement could further develop financial resilience...
This note aims to build understanding of the existing disaster risk financing and insurance (DRFI) tools in use in The Marshall Islands and to identify gaps where potential engagement could further develop...
This country note is produced is part of The Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and
Financing Initiative (PCRAFI). The geographic spread of the Cook Islands poses logistical problems for any necessary...
Pacific Island countries (PICs) face critical challenges for financial resilience to disasters. The Pacific disaster risk financing and insurance program (DRFIP) is a joint initiative of the World Bank...