This study of Nigeria food loss and waste (FLW) analyzes the potential policy impacts of reducing FLW along the value chain for three strategically selected commodities: maize, tomatoes, and catfish. The...
The report focuses on the role that food loss and waste (FLW) could play in reducing the environmental footprint of food systems while attempting to meet the caloric and nutrient needs of a population...
The term food smart refers to a food system that is efficient, meets the food needs of a country, and is environmentally sustainable. Reducing food loss and waste (FLW) is one of the critical pillars to...
The term food smart refers to a food system that is efficient, meets the food needs of a country, and is environmentally sustainable. Reducing food loss and waste (FLW) is one of the critical pillars to...
The report focuses on the role that food loss and waste (FLW) could play in reducing the environmental footprint of food systems while attempting to meet the caloric and nutrient needs of a population...
The objective of this study is to review panchayat finances, identify issues and make recommendations to improve the fiscal decentralization system. Using Karnataka and Kerala as case studies, this report...
This note reviews the Latin American experience in forestry ecosystems, and reveals the technical feasibility of improved natural forest management, but also exposes the major constraints to its implementation...
This note aims at explaining why sustainable natural forest management, is rarely observed in the Latin America and Caribbean region, even though this sustainability is a declared governments' goal. Private...