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  • Evaluating the Accuracy of Homeowner Self-Assessed Rents in Peru (英语)

    Attributing a rental value to the dwellings of homeowners is essential in various contexts, including distributional analysis and the compilation of national accounts, consumer price indexes (CPIs), and...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS8983 文件日期: 2019年8月15日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Olivieri,Sergio Daniel,Ranzani,Marco

  • Evaluating the Accuracy of Homeowners’ Self-Assessed Rent in Metropolitan Lima (英语)

    Attributing a rental value to homeowners’ dwellings is essential in different contexts, including poverty and inequality analysis, the compilation of national accounts, consumer price indexes, and estimation...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 141098 文件日期: 2019年8月15日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Olivieri,Sergio Daniel,Ranzani,Marco

  • Housing, Imputed Rent, and Households' Welfare (英语)

    Housing is the largest durable good consumed by households. As such, any consumption-based measure of welfare, to be comprehensive, must include the value of the flow of services households derive from...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 140352 文件日期: 2019年8月6日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Olivieri,Sergio Daniel,Ranzani,Marco

  • Housing, Imputed Rent, and Households' Welfare (英语)

    Housing is the largest durable good consumed by households. As such, any consumption-based measure of welfare, to be comprehensive, must include the value of the flow of services households derive from...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS8955 文件日期: 2019年8月6日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Olivieri,Sergio Daniel,Ranzani,Marco

  • Risk preferences and the decision to flee conflict (英语)

    Despite the growing numbers of forcibly displaced persons worldwide, many people living under conflict choose not to flee. Individuals face two lotteries -- staying or leaving -- characterized by two distributions...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS8376 文件日期: 2018年3月26日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Verme,Paolo

  • Arithmetics and politics of domestic resource mobilization (英语)

    The 2015 United Nations resolution on Financing for Development stresses the importance of effective resource mobilization and use of domestic resources to pursue sustainable development. The first Sustainable...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS8029 文件日期: 2017年4月17日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Bolch,Kimberly Blair,Ceriani,Lidia,Lopez-Calva,Luis-Felipe

  • Arithmetics and politics of domestic resource mobilization (英语)

    The 2015 United Nations resolution on financing for development stresses the importance of effective resource mobilization and use of domestic resources to pursue sustainable development. The first sustainable...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 125652 文件日期: 2017年4月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Bolch,Kimberly Blair,Ceriani,Lidia,Lopez-Calva,Luis F.

  • Understanding poverty reduction in Sri Lanka : evidence from 2002 to 2012/13 (英语)

    This paper quantifies the contributions to poverty reduction observed in Sri Lanka between 2002 and 2012/13. The methods adopted for the analysis generate entire counterfactual distributions to account...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS7446 文件日期: 2015年10月19日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Inchauste Comboni,Maria Gabriela,Olivieri,Sergio Daniel

  • Understanding poverty reduction in Sri Lanka : evidence from 2002 to 2012/13 (英语)

    This paper quantifies the contributions to poverty reduction observed in Sri Lanka between 2002 and 2012/13.The methods adopted for the analysis generate entire counterfactual distributions to account...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 125423 文件日期: 2015年10月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Inchauste,Gabriela,Olivieri,Sergio Daniel

  • An update on poverty and inequality in Albania : nine stylized facts (英语)

    This note presents 9 stylized facts that emerge related to the evolution of poverty between 2008 and 2012 in Albania. Findings from this note, using the latest Living Standard Measurement Study (2012 LSMS)...

    文件类型: 工作文件 报告号: 97639 文件日期: 2015年5月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Dávalos, María E.,Cancho, César,Ceriani,Lidia

  • Rent imputation for welfare measurement : a review of methodologies and empirical findings (英语)

    As well acknowledged in the literature, housing is often the dominant consumption good for most households. As such, it should be included in a comprehensive welfare aggregate to measure people's living...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS7103 文件日期: 2014年11月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Balcazar Salazar,Carlos Felipe,Ceriani,Lidia,Olivieri,Sergio Daniel,Ranzani,Marco

  • Rent imputation for welfare measurement : a review of methodologies and empirical findings (英语)

    As well acknowledged in the literature, housing is often the dominant consumption good for most households. As such, it should be included in a comprehensive welfare aggregate to measure people's living...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 125420 文件日期: 2014年11月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Balcazar,Carlos Felipe,Ceriani,Lidia,Olivieri,Sergio Daniel,Ranzani,Marco

  • Individual diversity and the Gini decomposition (英语)

    The paper defines the Gini index as the sum of individual contributions where individual contributions are interpreted as the degree of diversity of each individual from all other members of society. Among...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6763 文件日期: 2014年1月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Verme,Paolo

  • EU11 regular economic report : promoting shared prosperity during a weak recovery in Central and Eastern Europe (英语)

    Economic prospects for the 11 European Union (EU) member states that joined after 2004 started to improve during 2013, as the situation in the Euro area stabilized and domestic policies bolstered growth...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 83426 文件日期: 2013年12月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Korczyc,Ewa Joanna,Laco,Matija,Thomas,Theo David,Madzarevic-Sujster,Sanja,Ilieva,Stella,Pauna,Catalin,Holda,Paulina Ewa,Skrok,Emilia,Simler,Kenneth,Ceriani,Lidia,Sinha,Nistha,Sanchez,Carolina

  • The income lever and the allocation of aid (英语)

    The paper develops a concept and a measure of the monetary capacity of a country to reduce its own poverty and shows how these tools can be used to guide budget allocations or the allocation of aid. The...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6367 文件日期: 2013年2月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ceriani,Lidia,Verme,Paolo