Tertiary and vocational learning is widely recognized as critical for all countries’ economic success. While progress has been made toward achieving the fourth United Nations’ (UN) sustainable development...
In the 1990s, Ghana’s education system was in crisis; underfunded infrastructure was deteriorating, and capacity could not meet rising demand. Of the approximately 26,000 students who passed Ghana’s university...
Tec was founded in 1943 by a group of local business people who were concerned about a shortage of engineers and middle managers to support and enable Mexico´s nascent industrialization. Tec was established...
Javeriana is one of the oldest universities in Latin America and one of the strongest brands in Colombian higher education. Originally established in 1623 under the Spanish colony charters by the Jesuit...
Expanding access to quality and affordable education is a central element to eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. In developing countries, private education providers play a critical...
Brazil is one of the largest economies in the world, with a population of 206 million and a GDP of US$2.3 trillion (2014). In recent years, it was distinguished by its fast-growing economy and growing...