In every country, including Vietnam, certain groups confront barriers that prevent them from participating equally in their nation’s political, economic, and social life. These groups are excluded through...
The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive data and evidence-based analysis of gender-based sex selection (GBSS) in Vietnam in terms of demographic projections and policy reforms to inform...
The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive data and evidence-based analysis of gender-based sex selection (GBSS) in Vietnam in terms of demographic projections and policy reforms to inform...
The objective of the study was to understand the causal factors in the gender gap in life expectancy (GGLE) in Mongolia. The focus was on norms and behaviors of men, with the output expected to help inform...
In the context of Vietnam’s impressive economic growth over the last two decades, several studies have documented gender disparities, but few have studied the underlying constraints that drive the disparities...
In the context of Vietnam’s impressive economic growth over the last two decades, several studies have documented gender disparities, but few have studied the underlying constraints that drive the disparities...
The study assesses the impact of different types of land use rights certificates (LURC) on individual and household welfare, expanding on the previous research of Menon, Rodgers, and Kennedy (2016), which...
The study assesses the impact of different types of land use rights certificates (LURC) on individual and household welfare, expanding on the previous research of Menon, Rodgers, and Kennedy (2016), which...
Vietnam Electricity (EVN) has requested from the World Bank extended support and partnership in promoting women’s employment and leadership in the energy sector, as per the goals set out in EVN’s gender...
The Gender Theme of the ABP II carries out comprehensive data - and evidence-based analyses on emerging challenges to gender equality and provides support to policy makers and innovative activities to...
The Gender Theme of the ABP II carries out comprehensive data - and evidence-based analyses on emerging challenges to gender equality and provides support to policy makers and innovative activities to...
The Lao People's Democratic Republic, has scored a remarkable achievement. In just over twodecades, from 1995 to 2017, it managed to increase national access to electricity from 16 percent to more than...
The Trung Son Hydropower Project (TSHP) was designed with a strong gender action plan for the implementation of its large livelihood, minority, and resettlement program. While the plan and overall aim...
The findings presented here, from a World Bank study led by the Trade and Competitiveness Practice of the World Bank, fill the gap in our knowledge about the patterns of small-scale cross-border trade...
The Philippines has made significant progress in empowering women and in advancing gender equality. The government's policy on gender equality and women's empowerment has prioritized women's economic empowerment...