This report provides answers to three critical questions: Why should developing countries pursue e-mobility? When does an accelerated transition to electric vehicles (EVs) make sense for developing countries?...
Electric mobility has garnered growing interest and significant momentum across several major global markets, often motivated by transport sector decarbonization. Together, Europe, China, and the United...
Logistics clusters boost logistics efficiency. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic brought about a common global threat of historic proportions and yielded critical lessons as to the importance...
This report intends to shed light on the international experience with the development of logistics clusters in support of increased competitions in global and regional markets. It will do so through the...
There is a global need to better understand the inner workings of trucking markets and how these relate to performance. Despite the critical role that trucking plays as a dominant mode in most countries’...
The Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region has a rich history of regional integration and connectivity to the broader world economy, which has stimulated the growth of knowledge and technological innovation...
The Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region has a rich history of regional integration and connectivity to the broader world economy, which has stimulated the growth of knowledge and technological innovation...
Why does Brazil continue to lag its peers in the quality of physical infrastructure? What are the implications for growth prospects? What could be done to close the infrastructure gap? These are the key...
Why does Brazil continue to lag its peers in the quality of physical infrastructure? What are the implications for growth prospects? What could be done to close the infrastructure gap? These are the key...
This paper proposes a methodology to prioritize interventions in Peru's road network. A network model is built, linking the country's economic and population centers through indicative corridors, which...
Every discussion of the Caribbean states considers their characteristics as sea-locked countries, small economies, highly vulnerable to natural disasters, and a geographic platform that calls for regional...
Handling charges in Caribbean ports are two to three times higher than in similar ports in other regions of the world. In some cases, it costs significantly less to ship a container to Hong Kong SAR, China...
The island states of the eastern Caribbean are wastefully competing with each other for the lucrative, yet stagnant, stay-over tourist trade by ‘flying solo’: separately building long-haul airports and...
There is growing interest in the Caribbean in using public-private partnerships (PPPs) to provide infrastructure. Infrastructure investment needs are significant across the region, to boost economic growth...
This paper presents a technical efficiency analysis of container ports in Latin America and the Caribbean using an input-oriented stochastic frontier model. A 10-year panel is employed with data on container...
This paper provides a methodological tool to support the collection and preparation of standardized, comprehensive data regarding public spending on infrastructure services that can be rigorously compared...
This is the first paper to build a comprehensive empirical picture of power pricing practices across Sub-Saharan Africa, based on a new database of tariff structures in 27 countries for the years 2004-2008...
Infrastructure made a net contribution of just over two percentage points to Botswana's improved per capita growth performance in recent years. Raising the country’s infrastructure endowment to that of...