This note looks at the World Bank’s engagement in transboundary waters in West Africa over the past twenty years to derive lessons that can inform and influence any future engagement in the sector. It...
The development objective of the Senegal River Basin Integrated Water Management Project is to strengthen the capacity of OMVS and local water user associations to improve the environmental and water quality...
The World Bank’s historical engagement in transboundary water in West Africa is at a turning point, at a time when the G5 Sahel region faces unprecedented challenges. Therefore, it is time for the World...
Water systems are a special kind of infrastructure systems because they perform a dual role: theyprovide water services while also reducing risks to other services from natural hazards such asfloods and...
Lima is the capital of and largest city in Peru, with an estimated population of about 10 million people. SEDAPAL, Lima’s water utility, provides water to most of the metropolitan region. While SEDAPAL...
Water supply and sanitation (WSS) utilities are expected to become increasingly susceptible to the expected impacts of climate change. WSS utility planners and engineers have dealt with natural climate...