Early investments in education were key to the remarkable economic development of East Asia and Pacific. Basic literacy and numeracy equipped farmers to adopt new seeds and fertilizers and usher in the...
Early investments in education were key to the remarkable economic development of East Asia and Pacific. Basic literacy and numeracy equipped farmers to adopt new seeds and fertilizers and usher in the...
Early investments in education were key to the remarkable economic development of East Asia and Pacific. Basic literacy and numeracy equipped farmers to adopt new seeds and fertilizers and usher in the...
Childhood stunting, being too short for one’s age, is the result of chronic or recurrent undernutrition. Stunting poses a significant impediment to human development, with those affected facing long-term...
This snapshot summarizes findings related to the impact of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Project on children’s early learning environments in Northern Lao PDR. Results reported include children for...
The Early Childhood (ECE) Project aimed to support the expansion of quality ECE services and improve the overall development of children aged 3 to 5 years in disadvantaged communities across Northern Lao...
This snapshot summarizes results related to the impact of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Project on children’s developmental outcomes in Northern Lao PDR. Results presented include children who participated...
This snapshot provides details regarding the instruments that have been adapted for the Laos context to measure the quality of children’s early environments and child development outcomes as part of the...
Successful teachers are likely to be the first role models that young people encounter outside the home. They teach content, make learning fun, shape students’ attitudes, exemplify empathy, teach teamwork...
For many students, teachers are the adults with whom they will interact the most. Successful teachers are likely to be the first role models that young people encounter outside the home. They teach content...