There is growing recognition that the private health sector is a significant source of health care in most African countries. According to "Healthy Partnerships: How Governments Can Engage the Private...
There is growing recognition that the private health sector is a significant source of health care in most African countries. According to "Healthy Partnerships: How Governments Can Engage the Private...
India faces significant challenges in attracting qualified health workers to rural areas. In 2010 the authors conducted a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) in the Indian states of Uttarakhand and Andhra...
Sufficient funding and efficacious technology may be necessary conditions for achieving health gains, but experience in many countries confirms that they are not sufficient. Effective and efficient service...
Health system strengthening and reform are often necessary actions to achieve better outcomes. The World Bank's 2007 strategy for health, nutrition, and population emphasizes the importance of health system...
The World Bank often carries out in-depth analysis of the conditions and challenges facing different sectors in our client countries as a contribution to developing the analytical and information base...
The Government of India has publicly committed to a doubling or trebling of government health spending by 2012 and launched a major program, the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), to help spend the...
Policymakers and researchers around the world are working to identify the 'how to' aspect of health systems strengthening. However, there is neither consistency nor clarity on what makes a 'good' health...
The paucity of qualified health workers in rural areas is a critical challenge for India's health sector. Although state governments have instituted several mechanisms, salary and non-salary, to attract...
This report is a user's guide for defining, measuring, and improving the performance of health service delivery organizations. The authors define six core performance domains: quality, efficiency, utilization...
This note describes how health workforce estimates were calculated using data from the Census, National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) and Government sources and were triangulated to produce a set of...
Human resources are the largest component of health care delivery in India, often accounting for seventy percent of state government health expenditure. National policies and programs, like the National...
This note describes some of the problems found in recruiting new doctors to the government health care system, drawing on the recent experiences in three cases: the Central Health Service (CHS), the Uttar...
This note identifies some key areas for priority action in the current favorable contest for policy in the nursing sector in India. The present policy focus on increasing the number of nurses and nurse...
About twenty experts from ten countries, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, plus representatives from the World Bank and the Organisation...