Antidumping actions by importing countries do not protect their consumers. What protects domestic consumers is competition. It is Korean consumers who are paying for the development of the Korean electronics...
This study identifies the macro conditions under which industrial growth and financial stability are most likely, and those conditions which are most prone to create disaster. The paper models interest...
Agricultural incentives in developing countries: measuring the effect of sectoral and economywide policies. Inflationary rigidities and orthodox stabilization policies: lessons from Latin America. Nutrients:...
Countries facing voluntary export restraints (VERs) often adopt a two-tier allocation system for export licences to the restricted market : 1) a "basic" allocation related to export shares to the restricted...
This paper analyzes economic aspects of non-tariff barriers to trade in the context of the quotas and voluntary export restraints that were imposed on footwear trade during 1977-81. The paper surveys the...
Quality upgrading through product mix change has been observed for products subject to VERs. The theoretical justification for this observation relies on a number of assumptions including freely transferable...