Transport can make a big difference in increasing women's productivity and promoting social equity. Yet, little attention appears to have been paid to women's needs in transport projects. How best can...
The United Nations Fourth World Conference on women in Beijing in September 1995 provided an important impetus to the World Bank's ongoing efforts to achieve gender equality and to strengthen the participation...
This document presents the findings and conclusions of a seminar held in Kampala, Uganda in May 1992 to review the experience of Anglophone Africa in designing and managing poverty reduction programs and...
The full participation of both men and women in policymaking, in economic and sectoral analysis, and in project design and management, may be impeded by cultural and legal constraints which limit women's...
In recent years there has been a growing concern about the impact of development assistance, especially about the sustainability of social development programs, their effects on vulnerable groups such...
This report summarizes the discussions and conclusions of an Economic Development Institute (EDI) seminar on "Project Sustainability". The purpose of the seminar was to introduce the concept of project...
This report describes the characteristics of the interhousehold networks and the ways in which these networks are used for the transfer of resources between households. An important objective is to examine...
Housing policy must be based on accurate information if it is to be effective at a reasonable cost. This paper discusses what should be known about a housing market and why, and deals with the problems...
This report describes some of the research strategies which can be used in the evaluation of urban shelter programs in developing cities. Part 1 discusses some of the general issues in the definition of...