Korea's exports have made an important contribution to its outstanding economic growth. Its exports, in turn, have been affected by domestic economic variables, including exchange rate policy, and by external...
This paper compares the policies and economic performance of newly-industrializing countries (NICs) in the Far East and Latin America in the 1963-88 period. The two groups of countries include Hong Kong...
Indicative planning which involves the establishment of sectoral targets which are not compulsory for the private sector and are embedded in macroeconomic projections that pertain to a period of several...
This paper examines the adjustment policies applied by two East Asian newly industrializing economies, Korea and Taiwan, in the period following the quadrupling of oil prices in 1973. As an introduction...
Developing countries are well advised to adopt appropriate tariff and tax policies. An ideal scheme of such policies would include the following : 1) export taxes should be set on the basis of the long...
In the McKinnon and Shaw analysis, financial liberalization is defined to mean the establishment of higher interest rates that equate the demand for, and the supply of, savings. It expresses the views...
This paper examines issues relating to subsidies and countervailing measures and makes recommendations for changes in existing rules on the basis of economic considerations. This is done by analyzing...
This paper reports on tests of alternative hypotheses as to the effects of a budget deficit, examines the influence of the size of the government on economic growth, and investigates the impact of public...
Exports in general, and agricultural exports in particular, are more responsive to price incentives in Sub-Saharan Africa than in developing countries.. These are the results of an econometric investigation...
This paper presents empirical evidence pertaining to the "adding up problem" and the "fallacy of composition". It is shown that, rather than market constraint in the developed countries, export growth...
This paper examines the determinants of bilateral trade in manufacturing industries, including the factors affecting inter-industry as well as intra-industry specialization. The results provide support...
The paper makes recommendations for simultaneously establishing macroeconomic equilibrium and extending the reform effort in China. As to the latter, recommendations are made (a) for increasing the decision-making...
This paper focuses on the measures of protection applied to trade between developed and developing countries. This choice reflects concern with the adverse repercussions of recently imposed protectionist...
Japanese input coefficients are used to investigate the pattern of comparative advantage in the exportation of manufactured products in a cross-country framework. Estimates are made for the imports of...
Despite repeated declarations made by developed country governments of their intention to resist protectionist pressures and to roll back protection in the world trading system, new measures have been...
This paper examines prospective changes in employment associated with the expected expansion of trade in manufactured goods between the developed and developing countries over the next decade. It appears...
This paper demonstrates that multilateral trade liberalization is in the mutual interests of the developed and the developing countries. For one thing, reducing their own protection lessens the economic...
This paper provides evidence on the differential effects of alternative policy responses to external shocks in newly industrializing economies during the three-year period following the quadrupling of...
This paper provides evidence on the differential effects of alternative policy responses to external shocks in newly industrializing economies during the three-year period following the quadrupling of...
This paper has examined the progress made in health and education in developing countries during the last two decades. It has further indicated that a more rational allocation of expenditures would bring...