State-owned financial institutions (SOFIs) and broader interventions by the state need to play a more prominent role in supporting financial inclusion, green activities and fostering competition among...
The State plays an important role in the provision of financial services in Colombia through state-owned financial institutions (SOFIs), interest rate controls, mandatory investment requirements and credit...
The insurance market is in a mid-development phase, albeit that usual comparative indicators are at levels attributable more to compulsory than voluntary insurances. Insurance premiums totaled COP 30.5...
Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and loans subject to regulatory relief measures are intensely and effectively supervised by the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia (SFC) through a wide variety of strategies...
This Technical Note (TN) covers selected aspects of financial inclusion in Colombia with a focus on digital payments. This TN uses the 2016 CPMI-World Bank Payment Aspects of Financial Inclusion and subsequent...
Despite relatively high concentration and sticky market shares, price pressure, portfolio purchases and high customer mobility indicate the presence of competitive dynamics in the banking sector, particularly...
This report contributes to the effort to improve Middle East and North Africa's (MENA's) growth and employment performance by providing a diagnostic of MENA's financial systems and proposing a roadmap...
Many countries in the MENA region have established partial credit guarantee schemes to facilitate SME access to finance. These schemes can play an important role, especially in a period where MENA governments...