The restructuring and privatization of the U.K. electricity supply - was it worth it? by David M. Newbery and Michael G. Pollitt. A retrospective on the Mexican toll road program (1989-94), by Jeff Ruster...
This paper analyzes the financial and operating data (1992 to 1995) for more than 6,300 industrial firms in seven countries in Central and Eastern Europe--Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania...
One of the most important policy questions in the transition economies is what governments can do to speed the restructuring of firms and thus hasten the transition to a mature market economy. The authors...
Reform boosts growth and foreign investment. Nations in transit - 1997 Freedom House rankings. Good policies are needed to make aid effective. The EBRD increases activity : interview with EBRD's Chief...
This analysis used firm-level data to measure how the largest industrial firms in five Central and Eastern European nations restructured during 1992-94 and to make projections through 2000. The authors...
This analysis used firm-level data to measure how the largest industrial firms in five Central and Eastern European nations restructured during 1992-94 and to make projections through 2000. The authors...
Some of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have made remarkable progress in privatizing their enterprises by transfering ownership from the state to private citizens. This has created millions...
Some of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have made remarkable progress in privatizing their enterprises by transfering ownership from the state to private citizens. This has created millions...
Voucher funds have arisen in the transitional economies of Eastern and Central Europe that have used voucher privatization. These funds collect vouchers from citizens and use them to buy shares in enterprises...