Countering COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy has been a challenge in Saudi Arabia, one of the countries affected most by the pandemic in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Aims: To identify information needs...
An experiment using behavioral sciences significantly increased the number of applications to a natural resource management program from women in harder-to-reach localities, showing that rural women in...
Un experimento que aplicó ciencias del comportamiento logró aumentar de manera significativa el número de aplicaciones a un programa de gestión de recursos naturales de mujeres en localidades de difícil...
Mientras los países continúan buscando formas de recuperarse de la pandemia de COVID-19, tienen la oportunidad única de formular políticas para impulsar sus economías de manera más inclusiva y sostenible...
As countries continue to seek ways to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, they have the unique opportunity to develop policies aimed at boosting their economies in a way that is more inclusive and sustainable...
This report presents a diagnostic study of barriers to private sector participation focusing on young Kuwaitis. The General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (GSSCPD), Kuwait...
Natural resources management (NRM) helps protect forests and promote sustainable development. Although women are key in strengthening activities in NRM, they are dramatically underrepresented in public...
Forests and terrestrial ecosystems play a primary environmental role in climate-change mitigation and adaptation. In many developing countries, forests provide ecosystem services and support the livelihoods...
Women’s labor force participation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is very low, at 14 percent. This paper investigates a number of social and psychological barriers to participation, using recent methods...
The World Bank launched the Rapid Web based Survey on the Impact of the Conflict (RWSIC) on June 9, 2021, covering key topics such as access to basic services, labor outcomes, mental health, and coping...
The World Bank launched the Rapid Web based Survey on the Impact of the Conflict (RWSIC) on June 9, 2021, covering key topics such as access to basic services, labor outcomes, mental health, and coping...
This second volume looks at international organizations applying behavioral science systematically. It highlights more than 150 cases of insights, research, lessons, and programs from 17 development organizations...
Lebanon was rocked by an explosion at the port of Beirut on August 4, 2020 causing hundreds of deaths, wounding thousands, and leading to significant destruction of livelihoods and property. The blast...
Lebanon was rocked by an explosion at the port of Beirut on August 4, 2020 causing hundreds of deaths, wounding thousands, and leading to significant destruction of livelihoods and property. The blast...
Given the high exposure in Haiti to natural hazards, ensuring that proper disaster preparedness and response mechanisms are well established and managed can save lives. Systems such as Municipal Civil...
Given the high exposure in Haiti to natural hazards, ensuring that proper disaster preparedness and response mechanisms are well established and managed can save lives. Systems such as Municipal Civil...
Haiti has the highest maternal and neo-natal mortality rates in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Low rates of prenatal and postnatal care, and institutional births, contribute to high levels of...
Haiti has the highest maternal and neo-natal mortality rates in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Low rates of prenatal and postnatal care, and institutional births, contribute to high levels of...
Haiti has the highest maternal and neo-natal mortality rates in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Low rates of prenatal and postnatal care, and institutional births, contribute to high levels of...
The war in Syria has had an enormous impact on Lebanese society and economy. Lebanon is host to an estimated 1.5 million forcibly displaced Syrians - one-third of the country’s population. This dramatic...