Union Budget policies in Myanmar have undergone fundamental shifts since 2011 to accelerate delivery of essential public services. This first ever Public Expenditure Review (PER) for Myanmar tries to better...
The growing availability of free or inexpensive satellite imagery has inspired many researchers to investigate the use of earth observation data for monitoring economic activity around the world. One of...
This issue of the East Asia and Pacific economic update is based on data available through September 29, inclusive. This report also includes a special section, focusing on two crucial medium-term issues...
What determines the quality of budget execution around the world, measured in terms of a government's ability to accurately hit its own revenue and expenditure targets? The answers could be relevant to...
Sierra Leone is a small, fragile, post-conflict state on the coast of West Africa. As a consequence, Sierra Leone was one of the largest beneficiaries of foreign aid as a share of gross domestic product...
在生产率和产品多样化之间是否存在联系?的确,富裕国家的生产率看上去比贫困国家高,它们的产品种类也更丰富。实际上,当人们用水平来衡量时,这种联系是很强的。但当人们用增长率来衡量时,这种相关联系还成立吗?如果成立的话,贫困国家能否模仿富裕国家的成功经验? Addison用理论和经验性方法证明,对以上两个问题的回答都是肯定的。最近的经济理论表明,要素投入的日益多样化有助于避免边际收益递减效应。产品多样化也可以维持“边干边学”的做法,而不会使这种做法因产品种类限制而误入穷途。最后,发明和模仿可以增加非竞争性知识。迄今为止,人们对产品种类的增长和生产率增长之间的相关联系只进行过两个经验性检测。两个检测结果都是肯定的,但它们都没有考察大量发展中国家的情况,也没有通过深入观察来测定推动产品多样化的因素。...
The Revised Minimum Standard Model (RMSM) was originally created in 1973 as a means of ensuring a consistent approach to World Bank projections and thus facilitate intercountry comparisons. These objectives...