The COVID-19 pandemic washed over Türkiye at the beginning of March 2020, resulting in widespread school closures for an extended period. During this time, widespread distance education via Türkiye’s existing...
The rippling effects of multiple overlapping crises on the economy, declining education outcomes, and inability of the education system to meet the upcoming needs of the labor market puts the Slovak Republic...
This report includes: setting an enabling environment, with a national and industry focus: a comprehensive approach that is highly conducive to startups and mature firms, funding laws that allow entrepreneurs...
Uzbekistan’s transition from planning to market started almost thirty years ago following its independence from the Soviet Union. For most of this period, economic modernization and transformation were...
Uzbekistan’s transition from planning to market started almost thirty years ago following its independence from the Soviet Union. For most of this period, economic modernization and transformation were...
Uzbekistan’s transition from planning to market started almost thirty years ago following its independence from the Soviet Union. For most of this period, economic modernization and transformation were...
Uzbekistan’s transition from planning to market started almost thirty years ago following its independence from the Soviet Union. For most of this period, economic modernization and transformation were...
Uzbekistan’s transition from planning to market started almost thirty years ago following its independence from the Soviet Union. For most of this period, economic modernization and transformation were...
To recommend strategic actions to improve the relevance of education in the economic growth agenda of Uzbekistan, the World Bank education team worked with the Ministry of Public Education to identify...
Governments are worried that increased health workforce mobility could deplete human resources in the public health sector and in medical faculties, lead to staff shortages at home, and a loss of returns...
This report presents detailed findings of a teacher performance study in Lebanon, one of four studies carried out under the research for results (R4R) program, a partnership between the Lebanese Ministry...