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Where is the wealth of nations? : measuring capital for the 21st century (阿拉伯语)

The book presents estimates of total wealth for nearly 120 countries, using economic theory to decompose the wealth of a nation into its component pieces: produced capital, natural resources and human resources. The wealth estimates aims to provide a unique opportunity to look at economic management from a broader and comprehensive perspective. The book's basic tenet is that economic development can be conceived as a process of portfolio management...

Document also available in : 西班牙语, 越南语, 英语


  • 2008/01/01

  • 出版

  • 34855

  • 1

  • 1

  • 世界,

  • 其他,

  • 2010/05/19

  • Disclosed

  • Where is the wealth of nations? : measuring capital for the 21st century

  • Agriculture

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