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Effective use of energy, increased energy self-reliance and reduced environmental emissions in Belarus : Uso eficaz de la energía, mayor autosuficiencia energética y reducción de emisiones al medio ambiente en Belarús (西班牙语)

This Results Profile talks about the effective use of energy, increased energy self-reliance and reduced environmental emissions in Belarus. Social Infrastructure Retrofitting Project, helped the government of Belarus to reduce the country’s energy dependency and increase energy efficiency. Pupils, teachers, doctors, and patients received improved heating and lighting services in 745 social sector buildings in all regions of Belarus. Heat consumption...

Document also available in : 法语, 英语


  • 2011/04/14

  • 简介

  • 97793

  • 1

  • 1

  • 白俄罗斯,

  • 欧洲与中亚区,

  • 2015/11/19

  • Disclosed

  • Uso eficaz de la energía, mayor autosuficiencia energética y reducción de emisiones al medio ambiente en Belarús

  • consumption

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