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Champions wanted : promoting exports in the Middle East and North Africa : En quête de champions : promouvoir les exportations au moyen-orient et en Afrique du Nord (法语)

While other emerging regions were thriving, MENA's aggregate export performance over the past two decades has been consistently weak. Using detailed firm-level export data from Customs administrations, this report explains why. One central finding is that the size distribution of MENA's exporting firms is suggestive of a critical weakness at the top. With the exception of the top firm, MENA's elite exporters are smaller and weaker compared to their...

Document also available in : 英语, 阿拉伯语


  • 2015/01/01

  • 出版

  • 95681

  • 1

  • 1

  • 中东与北非区,

  • 中东与北非区,

  • 2015/09/21

  • Disclosed

  • En quête de champions : promouvoir les exportations au moyen-orient et en Afrique du Nord

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