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Migration in Bulgaria : Current Challenges and Opportunities (保加利亚语)

This paper presents evidence on trends, profiles, drivers, and impacts of Bulgarian emigration. The analysis shows that emigration is mostly led by sizable wage differentials and that emigrants tend to be young, contributing to a decrease in the working-age population in the country, particularly in rural regions. Emigration is not associated with unemployment reductions, evidencing rigidities in the labor market, but leads to wage gains for workers...


  • 2022/01/21

  • 工作文件(编号系列)

  • 167324

  • 1

  • 1

  • 保加利亚,

  • 欧洲与中亚区,

  • 2022/01/21

  • Disclosed

  • Migration in Bulgaria : Current Challenges and Opportunities




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