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Brazil - SWAp for Parana Multi-Sector Development Project : Brasil - SWAP para o Projeto Multissetorial para o Desenvolvimento do Paraná (葡萄牙语)

The objective of the SWAp for Parana Multi-Sector Development Project for Brazil is to make access to economic and human development opportunities more equitable and environmentally sustainable in the Borrower s territory through the modernization of the borrower s public sector and revenue management. There are two components to the project. The first will co-finance selected government programs (Eligible Expenditure Programs - EEPs) that...

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  • 2012/09/18

  • 项目评估文件

  • 67388

  • 1

  • 1

  • 巴西,

  • 拉丁美洲与加勒比海区,

  • 2012/11/28

  • Disclosed

  • Brasil - SWAP para o Projeto Multissetorial para o Desenvolvimento do Paraná

  • access to health services, access to services, adequate health care, Agrarian Reform, agricultural production, amortization, arrears, audits, balance sheet, Bank Borrowers, Bank Financing, Bank management, Bank policies, barriers to entry, Basic Education, Beneficiaries, biodiversity, Borrower, budgeting, cadastre, capacity building, capacity constraints, child labor, child mortality, citizens, Climate Change, collection process, Competitive... 更多显示




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